KB Whirly - Kids music for adults

KB Whirly is a groovy, get up and dance, one-man band who sings with passion, charm, and humor - resulting in irrepressible fun for the whole family. KB has performed at music festivals around the country including Austin City Limits, and Lollapalooza. 
  • Let Your Love Light Shine

    This funky single lit up the SIRIUS XM charts with its infectious groove, and positive message. Watch the East Coast / West Coast video featuring Kb with another kindie legend Mista Cookie jar.

  • Camp Songs Vol. 1

    A rollicking, frolicking album where classic camp tunes live side-by-side with new originals. Check out KB’s take on “Hello Mudda”, or “Hole in the Bucket” - featuring the one and only Jazzy Ash.

  • Now That We're Home

    Recorded by GRAMMY AWARD winning producer Dean Jones, this collection of bedtime lullaby’s celebrates the newness of love that pours forth when adults become parents.

  • Songs from the Whirly House

    Produced by the irrepressible Pat Hanlin, this 4 song EP will have your little ones up and dancing. Released in conjunction with ‘The Whirly House’ - these songs will bring smiles for miles.

  • Bumps in the Night

    KB & Pat Hanlin joins forces once again for this spooooky Halloween single. You can hear the wind moan and the floor boards creak on this ear worm celebrating the courage kids have to fight their monsters.

  • Mr. Ant and Ms. B

    Come on a wild adventure as Mr. Ant & Mrs. Bee go on the hunt for the perfect dinner. This singe, written and produced in 24 hours, was part of a fundraiser that provided musical instruments to kids in hospitals.

  • Greetings from Cloud 9

    in 2014 KB Whirly debuted with this album produced by the extraordinary Dean jones. With classics like ‘Portobello Mushroom”, and ‘The Dessert Song’, it’s no wonder the record received a “Parent’s Choice Award”.

  • Tickle Machine

    This four song EP was a big toe into the waters of kids music. From classics like ‘Tickle Machine’, to the quiet ‘Mooshpie’, it is clear that KB Whirly is finding his voice and hitting the stride which marked his later albums.